Professional Hub Home Blue Stage Video Resources Red Stage Video ResourcesYour Digital HQ Professional Coaches Skip to Videos All | Drills | Environment | Developing racket skills | Point play | Cooperative exercises | Team games / Team bonding | Developing racket skills, Tots Tennis Relay Idea (non cooperative) Developing racket skills, Environment, TOTS TENNIS BALL CONTROL Drills, Environment, TOTS TENNIS KEYS TO SUCCESS 🔑 TOTS FUN GAME Developing racket skills, Team games / Team bonding, Drills, TOTS SERVING GAME Cooperative exercises, Team games / Team bonding, Drills, WARM UP speed & reactions Tots Tennis Tip Point play, MINI RED SERVE & RETURN (stuck in the mud) Point play, DANGER ZONE controlling space Cooperative exercises, Team games / Team bonding, Drills, RED SERVE RELAY GROUP LESSON Developing racket skills, Drills, SERVE AND SLIDE Drills, Point play, ORANGE-SLICE SERVE Developing racket skills, Environment, TOTS TENNIS-LEARNING THE COURT Developing racket skills, Team games / Team bonding, Drills, TOTS. WARM UP Cooperative exercises, Developing racket skills, Drills, TEACHING TOTS (GOLDEN TIPS) Cooperative exercises, Developing racket skills, Team games / Team bonding, Drills, Environment, Point play, THE GRID x4 Cooperative exercises, Developing racket skills, Team games / Team bonding, Drills, Environment, TOT TENNIS MADE SIMPLE Team games / Team bonding, Drills, Point play, TOTS TENNIS SENDING GAME Developing racket skills, Drills, Point play, THE CRAFT (developing key skills) Cooperative exercises, Developing racket skills, Drills, TOTS TENNIS DEVELOPING THE SERVE Cooperative exercises, Developing racket skills, Drills, Point play, TOTS TENNIS 2 BALL EXERCISES Developing racket skills, Efeitos e sensações desenvolvendo controle de raquete e bola. ICE CREAM CONE RUNNER Cooperative exercises, Developing racket skills, Drills, TOTS TENNIS GAME Developing racket skills, Drills, Environment, Point play, TOTS TENNIS TIPS & EXERCISES Developing racket skills, Drills, BLUE - STATION IDEAS DEVELOPING FEELS AND SPINS Developing racket skills, Environment, BLUE-TOTS TENNIS TIPS Developing racket skills, BLUE DEVELOPMENT OF RACKET CONTROL Team games / Team bonding, The Square Cone Blocker Team games / Team bonding, Point play, Serve competition Team games / Team bonding, Environment, TEAM WARM UP Cooperative exercises, Team games / Team bonding, WARM UP PAIRS Cooperative exercises, Developing racket skills, Team games / Team bonding, TEAM WARM UP RELAYS Point play, RED controlling time and space Cooperative exercises, ORANGE | Professionals 2 touch tennis Cooperative exercises, BLUE | Cooperative Skills Team games / Team bonding, RED | Pairs Drills, BLUE | Developing Control Drills, RED | Building pyramids Drills, RED | First time volley lesson Team games / Team bonding, BLUE & RED | Warm Up Team games / Team bonding, Blue | Get out of the road Team games / Team bonding, BLUE | Quick & Easy Relay Races Team games / Team bonding, BLUE | Mini-tennis relays Point play, ORANGE | Playing The Game Point play, RED | Playing the game Point play, RED | Developing the serve Point play, RED | Learning the TIEBREAK Point play, BLUE Point play, BLUE | The Consistency Tournament Drills, Environment, BLUE | Over the river Team games / Team bonding, ALL COLOURS | Rubiks Cube Cooperative exercises, RED | Last Pair Standing Cooperative exercises, RED | Serve + Environment, ALL COLOURS | Reading & reacting Team games / Team bonding, RED | Racket Relay Team games / Team bonding, RED & BLUE | Running Aliens Team games / Team bonding, RED | Warm ups Cooperative exercises, BLUE | Goldmine Cooperative exercises, BLUE | Board Game Theme Cooperative exercises, RED | Over arm throw Cooperative exercises, Drills, RED | Serve exercise Drills, RED | Key areas of development Drills, BLUE | Tennis Battle Drills, RED | Around the world Drills, BLUE | Connect 3 Environment, RED & ORANGE | Setting Standards Developing racket skills, ORANGE | Team touch exercise Developing racket skills, BLUE | Tots group lesson Developing racket skills, BLUE | Start of the journey Drills, BLUE | Serving exercise Drills, BLUE | Floor Tennis Developing racket skills, RED | Beat the bounce Developing racket skills, RED | Group Exercise Developing racket skills, BLUE & RED | Coaching tips Developing racket skills, RED | The wall Developing racket skills, RED | 1-1 lesson example EDUCATION | Tips EDUCATION | Tips forehand & backhand EDUCATION | BLUE | Treasure trove Drills, PROFESSIONAL | Battle ships in the sand Cooperative exercises, PROFESSIONAL | Reading skills Developing racket skills, PROFESSIONAL | RED & ORANGE | Developing racket skills Drills, RED & ORANGE | Intensity PROFESSIONAL | Team games Point play, ORANGE | BADMINTON RED | STUCK IN THE MUD RED | RECOVERY Drills, BLUE | TOTS TENNIS IDEAS RED | OUTSIDE CHANCE RED & BLUE | MOVEMENT Cooperative exercises, RED | RED ZONE Cooperative exercises, RED | Developing the volley BLUE | LEARNING TO SCORE Cooperative exercises, RED | Recovery Exercises RED | DEAD RACKETS SPINNING RALLIES BALL & BODY CONNECT A BALL FIRE BALL THROW & MATCH TOTS TENNIS Lesson Enhancer CANNONBALL RUN MOVEMENT WORKING IN PAIRS MOVEMENT WORKING IN PAIRS SERVE DEVELOPMENT MOVEMENT IDEA STAR MAKER MAKING SPACE Warm Up Player Magnetic Rewards TOTSTENNIS SKILLS Ball Toss RED | Transition Suggestion Making Stars Cooperative exercises, Minitennis Group Lesson ODD NUMBERS P1 GAME CHANGER ODD NUMBERS P2 ODD NUMBERS P3 Tots Tennis LEARNING TO PLAY THE GAME MINI RED EXERCISE RED | SERVE Warm Up Drills, RED | Serve Development RED | Tots Tennis Ideas RED | THE BUTTERFLY DRILL CANTERBURY TENNIS CLUB RED | READING & REACTING RED | DANGER ZONE BLUE | TREASURE HUNT HALLOWEEN IDEAS TECHNIQUE STRONG BASELINE GAME THE EQUIPMENT RED | VOLLEY EXERCISE RED | Volley Exercises Bronze sports skills badge BRONZE TENNIS SKILLS RED | VOLLEY GAME TOTS TENNIS IDEAS RECOVERY RED & ORANGE | Transition CONTROLLER Team games / Team bonding, BUMPER CARS Team games / Team bonding, THIEF Cooperative exercises, Collide BLUE | TOTS TENNIS IDEA RED | TEAM RACING RED | Common occurrences RED & ORANGE | KEEP THE SCORE RED | Racket warm up Point play, RED | Over or Under 5 Point play, ALL COLOURS | Review Drills, RED | BEFORE & AFTER RED | TEAM WORK Point play, RED | CAUSING TROUBLE Point play, All COLOURS | DINGLES RED & ORANGE | Collide Team games / Team bonding, ALL COLOURS | WARM UP NAME OF GAME (THEIF) Drills, RED | OVER THE MOON RED | BUMPER CARS RED | Recovery Exercises Point play, BLUE | LEARNING TO SCORE RED | Developing the volley RED | RED ZONE Drills, RED & BLUE | Movement Team games / Team bonding, RED | Outside chance Team games / Team bonding, RED | Dead rackets Drills, BLUE | TOTS TENNIS IDEAS Drills, RED | RECOVERY Point play, RED | STUCK IN THE MUD ORANGE | BADMINTON Cooperative exercises, ORANGE | BOUNCE, HIT Drills, RED | The Return of Serve Drills, BLUE | TOTS GAME Cooperative exercises, ORANGE | DEPTH